HAIRGASM.US of USA in USDollars ships via USPS

HAIRGASM.US of USA in USDollars ships via USPS
Giving members another reason to trust in her
Giving members another reason to trust in her
Giving members another reason to trust in her
Giving members another reason to trust in her
Giving members another reason to trust in her
Giving members another reason to trust in her
Giving members another reason to trust in her
Giving members another reason to trust in her
Giving members another reason to trust in her
Giving members another reason to trust in her
Giving members another reason to trust in her.
Giving members another reason to trust in her HAS BEEN HERE SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THE INTERNET
Quality should never be a compromise. From the most popular looks and brands, to the deepest cleansers and latest treatments, we bring it all to you! We are committed to being the only place you need to look great and maintain your healthy, beautiful look!
We want you to be completely happy with your shopping experience from order to delivery. Try our samples before you buy to ensure you get exactly what you need. If you have questions about our products, delivery, or shipping, get in touch!
We stock a variety of essential products for every skin type and tone. From day to night and special occasions, we have your look covered! We only stock products made with natural occurring, organic ingredients that are healthy for you and for the planet.
OMG the Non-Salts Scrubs are incredible.
OMG the Non-Salts Scrubs are incredible.I have used up one and am trying to be frugal with the other until I have critical mass for an order.They are so pleasant to use and make my skin feel wonderful. Instantly addictive.
Also one of the many changes I have made in my routines that has helped the keratosis pilaris which I had had for years.
BK fromGG G C
Some definite successes with LML’s skin creams!!
I have a definite success story to tell you today. As we discussed a few days ago over the phone, I have been using the camomilla cream on my face for about a week and a half. The cream has done wonders for my skin. At first, I used the cream about 3 or 4 times a day in small amounts.
My skin was in terrible shape before I started using your cream. The skin was dry, red from irritation and it had small bumps or pimples. It had been very imbalanced for a very long time. The bumps usually come as a result of the imbalance. I had very little natural oils or moisture left on my face. Honestly my skin had never been properly balanced.
This is how I started out: Week 1: The first day I used Hypericum cream for 2 rounds. This did not seem to make very much of a difference except to smooth out the skin a little. On the second day, I used the camomillia and noticed a big difference after the second application. I have been using it up to 4 times a day in small amounts for 1 week. During that week, I did have some bouts of irritation from the shower and the cold weather, but if I used the camomillia on my skin in the evening and again before bed, the irritations were gone by the next morning.
I used the cream in the morning and then again in the afternoon and evening. If I was going out on certain days I would put the Face Cream moisturizer on under my make-up. That added lots of emolients.
Week 2: What I have noticed is that my skin is slowly becoming a bit more tolerant of the elements. It doesn't get quite as red when I go outside into the cold or come out of the shower. So now I use the cream 2 to 3 times a day with great results. During the last 3 days I have not used the face cream, only the camomillia and things look great.
Also, I have two other important points; My skin has problems just prior and during my period. It always becomes imbalanced, irritated and acne prone. This started yesterday during the day probably after I had to walk in the cold outside. I had a row of pimples and some general redness. I put the camo. cream on last night (twice) and everything has disappeared.
The other thing I found out is that when I get a really large red mark either from sensitivity due to rubbing my skin too hard or whatever the reason, I use a dot of the lipbalm you make and it will take that red mark away in a few hours!
The last note is that I have begun exfoliating very, very gently. The skin was sensitive at first, but again, the cream supported it then too and helped with keeping it moist.
This too is a process and I am noticing a remarkable change to my natural skin oils. It's the first time in my life...I don't even have this during the summer!
(from NY O CA)
Thank you for making such wonderful products!
— Previous BTNer, (Non)Salon Visit,
NewMagicpackMember —
My husband loves my long hair and really loves how the products make it so wonderful and nice! It’s middle of back, slightly wavy and rather on the thick side, I’d say. It’s brown.
Around 3 years ago I had it colored (permanent). That was the last time. Before that it had been colored semi-perm about 3 times. Always the color was brown – as close to the real thing as I could get. But, with your products my grey hair has pretty much disappeared! It’s great! I like how thick it is and of course how it is getting nice and long. Could be lack of being stressed as well.
Thank you for making such wonderful products!
Fav: the #19 Honeybee treatment.
The hair at it’s worst now?: Only any white (grey)hair that I may come across (not often now).
DB Minnesota USA
Of course my skin is always silky smooth after I use your Non-Salt scrubs.
Dear Louise Marie,
You have certainly outdone yourself again...over and over and over again!
When I opened the Rose Garden scented Sweet Scent-Sations Non-Salts scrub it looked good enough to eat! It reminded me of the cream icing that my grandmother used to make for cakes. And the smell is just divine and very authentic. I used it in the shower this morning and I felt like I was in the middle of a rose garden. It was a glorious way to begin my day. Of course my skin is always silky smooth after I use your Non-Salt scrubs.
I like to use your Non-Salts scrubs every day, so I go through them quickly. I prefer the scented ones that you have and I am looking forward to trying 'all' of them
Tomorrow I will try the Lavender Leather scented Sweet Scent-Sations Non-Salts scrubs. That smells like a field of lavender again very authentic and calming. I think I might bring a small amount to work in a container and rub it on my arm or hand during the day.
I don't want to be pushy or suggestive but a body or hand cream like that would be absolutely divine...with any of the scents that you have created.
Grown till below my waist!!
I just love my "#10-B-ME Longhairs® Protein Daily Long Hair Conditioner"... and here's why:
I've been using this conditioner since 4 months and my hair has not only grown till below my waist (i.e. 3-4 inches) but the texture is smoother , less split ends to worry about and it looks much better than having poker straight hair thats been through a straightner! I use this conditioner in combination with the #2 Superclear Balance Shampoo.
Louise Marie has done all the science so you just need to use it as she tells you to!
The only thing that worked was a teeny little dab of #19 Honey Bee Long…
I could not get the skin on my legs to stop itching. In between creams, lotions, beauty bars, and oils, I was clawing my skin raw.The only thing that worked was a teeny little dab of #19 Honey Bee Long deep conditioner, which by the way, worked instantly. My legs are all healed up (I use it on my
hair too, naturally).
D W. from USA
Looked longer after the cut!!
I was a client of Dr Longhairs a few years ago, and used to get nice compliments on my hair back then. After a while I got lazy an went back to using drugstore products.
I finally got tired of my hair not looking as good as I knew it could (and my scalp being itchy), so I came back. I swear after my cut that my hair actually looked longer (I know that's weird but it's true) - no more big nest of frizz sitting on my back, but instead actual shape that shows off my curls.
Worth it for me to me to make the trip from Ottawa to Toronto for a haircut!
Thank you for including us curly tops!
Wow once I have been BTN-ing with my Beginners Kit and had a Surprise Kit I just had to make the grade to this Magicpack (1-A Basics).I LOVE my curly hair now it is so dependable soft and full, and Magicpack is so easy! I'm feeling the difference with your products that are without chemicals, thank you for including us curly tops!I'm sticking with Longhairs instead of everything sticking to my hair!
I Feel Regal and Downright Majestic…
Dear Louise
Thought that I'd drop you a line to remind you that you are a fantastic hair-magician. I know that you know that, but I thought I'd tell you. Even if I feel and look like a complete toad in the morning, I am NEVER let down by my hair. Sometimes it seems, I let my hair down! Today, is a perfect example of this: My hair, a million, my hair is falling like a mane. I feel regal and downright majestic within it.
Thank you
K B from CALIF
hair dries naturally so you know how it really looks…….
One of the things i like best about going to your place
that was not mentioned though -- maybe you could consider adding it next to the pic of Maxcat on the chair -- is something about how when you're in the
chair you get full attention, more like visiting a friend than going to the
hairdresser, only one client at a time, cozy personal environment complete
with snoozing lap cat, great people-watching view from above, and all the
time you need, hair dries naturally so you know how it really looks.......
Just a suggestion, as I expect most of your clients enjoy that aspect -- it
was also part of the reason I was easily convinced by my friend, to visit
you in the first place -- I hate salons with rows of chairs and fifty
conversations going on at the same time, and when she told me how it was
there, it appealed to me, so I went.
Weight and silk and no grease…
As for the #9 trees conditioner… you will have to pry it out of my cold dead hands
Totally stellar!
I love the feeling on the scalp when you apply the #9 Trees rinse it's like a "breath mint" for the scalp. Very refreshing. I've been using the Bliss Ends sample you gave me on my last visit. OUTSTANDING! My hair has weight and silk and no grease. It really smoothed out my frizzy ends so I thought I'd apply a drop or two to my palms and rub together then smooth it on the outer layer of my whole head and viola! Lush looking and beautiful. You outdid yourself on this one! Looking forward to buying a gallon!
I couldn’t have done it without you and LML products…
Cheers to you, and I am definitely hoping to swing through T.O. at Christmas...will drag my sorry locks in for a tune-up....nay, surgery!!
Gawd...2 years...I'm lucky it hasn't all dropped out...but never a drop of commercial "I couldn't have done it without you and LML products..."
Steve the curly head dogsledder guy from the Yukon
The Perfect Hair Day!
To Louise Marie (from a new Magicpack member)
Just today I feel like I had this big discovery or whatever where everything all came together and I had THE perfect hair day.
I feel like I've learned so much. had several sudden epiphanies this week too: more more more #18 and how to make #10-B shiny. elementary (Magicpack) things but its like I had a lightbulb moment when I read the info for what may have been the 50th time.
everything is wonderful. I love it all. and I'm so happy to have things to play with too!
I'm just beside myself here. my hair is growing fast. not sure if this is the growth spurt we hear about but the main thing is probably the change in me. I never thought I could do my own hair. me. by myself. and I never thought I could actually like my hair. but I can see that happening. I can see loving my own long hair some day, not someone elses.
I'm thrilled with my hair. and I can't thank you enough for all you do. you are truly unique and exactly what I've been seeking for yrs and yrs and yrs. don't ever feel that should change. this is our world and we like it this way - all about our hair and not a picture of someone elses vision of ideal....ours and its beautiful and perfect because its our own. thanks for teaching us to love it.
P from USA
Thank-you for the prompt call-back.
Wow, happy to hear from you. I am delighted!!!
Thank-you for the prompt call-back.
Thanks for taking time to help me sign in and giving me feedback on products and proper usage on the horn comb which I am using now. What a treat...
Love, Love, Love it!!! What took me so long to discover this wonderful comb? It takes a little getting use to but in a few days I will be use to it.
Haven't shampooed yet I will give you feedback on my progress. You are the best, keep on keeping on!!!
I am a Scritcher for life!!!I love both horn combs and love how my scalp feel, my scalp has awaken! From a dull sleep
Both horn combs! I love the itchy scritchy feeling from the scritcher horn comb and love combing my hair with the BIG WOW horn comb
P. A
And this clip is a gorgeous one!
I just love my "Geisha Tunnel Rose Hand-Painted Long Hair Up-Do Clips"... and here's why:
My hair is sub-scapular length, and approximately twice as thick as a normal head of hair (thank you, Dr. Longhairs!)
Anything that can hold it in a bun through a workday and an hour and a half ballet class afterward without shifting and without a headache is an engineering marvel! And this clip is a gorgeous one! Grab it while you can!
C V From N Y C
Long-ing (2) for a Visit With Louise Marie Longhairs Reply
Just got back from my trip to Toronto! It was a wonderful experience finally meeting Louise Marie Longhairs after working with her for over a year on the phone and via email.
The day of my appointment, I received a beautiful fruit basket at my hotel room from Louise Marie Longhairs. Later, I walked the 2 blocks to her place. The assistant was there to meet me, and took all my bottles (I use the big 16 oz sizes, so he had his work cut out for him) for refilling. What a great deal that is. It saves me a lot of money, since I don't have to pay international shipping costs. I met the feline residents. At certain times during the appointment, they would jump up to sit in my lap! The studio (can't call it a salon) is painted all lilac - my FAVORITE color. As a matter of fact, I just painted my bedroom the exact SAME color. That told me that LM and I were going to have much in common.
Louise Marie came in a few minutes later, and she was not at all what I expected her to look like....I think I was expecting a lot of flamboyance since talking to her on the phone - her voice gave me that impression. But she looks just normal - she's really petite, and that great voice is what makes up for her size! Her hair is REALLY shiny.
She took me right to the chair, which overlooks Yonge Street, and started evaluating my hair and scalp. I am glad I had been doing the scalp treatments properly - she only found one spot that I need to improve on. Then she did a scalp treatment, and washed (#20), and HoneyBee-d, and conditioned (#9). Then it was time for the trim. I have not had a trim on about 13 months, and the last time I did eas the time I swore off traditional salons after the "stylist" ripped out a good sized chunk of my hair while brushing it. But I digress. Louise Marie probably spent hours nipping here and there, letting my hair dry in between to see how it would lay, then wetting it and snipping again. I never was nervous at all, I trusted her completely. I knew she was going to have to take a couple inches off, since I had some old foil highlights that had grown out, and were a tangly mess most of the time. I have VERY curly hair, and it is really fine, so tangles were a big concern of mine. Well, not anymore! Now my hair has a WONDERFUL shape to it, the curls are springy without tangling onto each other, and it detangles in the shower so much easier - it cuts about 5 minutes off my shower time!
Then she put some color on my hair, to sort of hide grey, and give it some brilliance. I really like it SOOOO much. It is very natural looking. Then we spent some time and she showed me how to do updos with her pike clips, and I bought 2 of each size. I was having trouble with updos, and now I have a lot of ideas. So I left with about a 50-lb shopping bag of refilled (and some new) product, and a great updo. (It was raining out).
I was there hours, just Louise Marie and me. You certainly cannot go to a salon and get that kind of service. I was really impressed with her intelligence, not of just hair, but of all sorts of worldly matters. She is a multicultural person in all aspects.
But overall, the lady knows how to give a great haircut! Curly hair is the HARDEST to cut and shape, and her skills are by far the best.
I'll bet Louise Marie will want to comment to you on our visit as well...I will recommend to all of you members that it is worth the $$ to try to see her at least once a year. I know I am already planning in my mind next years trip!
(C and from the USA)
The Longhairs® BTN Products Duo Duo Works Magic!
Both my partner and I went to Longhairs before we went on a trip to Mexico. Our hair was dry, full of tangles and split ends. After one month of using the LONGHAIRS® BTN PRODUCTS DUO, my hair is full and has lots of natural moisture. The sea water and the chlorine in the pool on our trip had no bad effects. The LONGHAIRS® BTN PRODUCTS DUO works magic and we are both delighted. How do you become a member?
LV from T
It stays nice no matter how I swing it
Dear Louise Marie Longhairs
This is what I like about the way you cut hair.
It doesn't just hang there. That is what I always wanted as a that stays the same no matter how you swing it, it flows and moves and wraps around me beautifully, with all the pieces where they belong and where you want them to be.
True long wash n wear hair...I LOVE it!!
Accolades to you Louise Marie…
Dear Louise Marie;
I am writing you a short note to express my appreciation for your art. This past Sunday my fiancée came to you, to have her locks operated on. , I am sure you remember us...we were the ones with the longhair...HA !!! As it stands, I love my lady's lovely hair and I approached your service with the greatest unease. None the less we came into your humble salon and opened ourselves to your skills. Throughout the whole process I sweated internally, dreading the outcome. Before the cutting started I made myself scarce, leaving only to return after the deed was done. Upon my return the job was not quite complete so I lurked in the shadows awaiting the outcome. The moment soon arrived and my lady came into your reception area with her usual gleeful giggle. I lifted my eyes in delay, being asked my opinion. Now I am not one for patronizing tomes, never have been...never will be, so I withheld the obligatory offerings only to state that what I saw was different. I posed the only question of import to me, "do YOU like it honey?" Needless to say she was ecstatic. Good enough for me.
But now if you want my true opinion of your mastery I offer you this. The style and its execution on your part is second to none. For me, I find the cut most intriguing and it displays many vantages to me. It is at one moment sweet and innocent, the next dark and sultry, perhaps even sordid.. .I am so bad. Regardless of this, the experience I adore most about this new look is in the joy of adaptation. Upon closely perusing your work I have noticed the many subtleties of your approach, mostly the way you have crafted the hair to grow into having a natural uncut appearance. Accolades to you Louise Marie. Another lifetime client to add to your list.
(C male)
I love my Knuckle-Fit Scritchers Sheeps Horn Comb
I love my Knuckle-Fit Scritchers 3.5" Longhairs® Sheeps Horn Comb 1x WOW and here is why...
It's the most comfortable yet super-stimulating horn comb I've ordered from here so far. (Hairgasm = trust, quality and horn ethics) It actually curves to fit my head.Don't let the size fool you even if you have thick hair, it is a dreamboat!
What a buzz!
E from I
I LOVE my Blood Nutrients Longhairs® Non-Salts BRINING ROCKS!!
Feedback regarding: I just love my "Blood Nutrients Longhairs® Non-Salts BRINING ROCKS"... and here's why:
This product is amazing. i always always put a little in my water bottles -yes Bottles bc now no one has to beg me to drink actual water
I add a little to my waterpik for dental health, they often instr. not to add salt to reservoir but this is brine so its different than any salts out there... special... important.
I also add a little to my youngest son's bath. He tends toward dryness and there's obvious improvement.
Finally I have a chronic health issue so may tend to constant dizziness. I've had that much less since I've been adding to my water bottles. Doctorlonghairs told me to try just a tap of it under my tongue right when it happens.
….it came with the newbie pack and I couldn’t be happier
I'm writing to say thank you, I just got my package and it came with the newbie pack and I couldn't be happier. Thanks to all of you and Ms. Longhairs for all her time and dedication towards my needs. Much appreciated.
Thank you and may you have a blessed week
I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to use your face cream!
I just love my "Smoothing Face Cream LMLonghairs® Herbal & Homeopathic"... and here's why:
I can't believe it's taken me so long to use your face cream! After 3 days, I'm
already seeing a huge difference in my breakouts. Things are healing quickly! I can't wait to see what it does under my eyes!
What used to feel like elephant skin…is now much softer and smoother…
I just love my "Nutrient Body Cream for Fragile Sensitive Skin LMLonghairs® Herbal & Homeopathic"... and here's why:
I've used Louise-Marie's Smoothing Homeopathic Face Cream for years (alway
s impressed by her lack of wrinkles:) -I have to say that my own wrinkles have not worsened much in recent years and I credit her Smoothing Homeopathic Face Cream for I have tried her Nutrient Body Cream for Fragile Sensitive Skin and found it to be every bit as good.
What used to feel like elephant skin in places is now much softer and smoother - no dryness. A little bit goes a long way if you put it on while you're wet from the shower. It absorbs best that way too.
Everything is soooooo good it’s hard to say
I just love my "#28 NEW Chillout Shampoo (white creamy moist)Longhairs® Hairgasm® Stimulate Moisten & Purify"... and here's why:
Everything is soooooo good it's hard to say; but it's possible this may be my favorite shampoo. I use it with my full hair treatment and *WoW* my hair comes out so fabulous. I can even go a couple of extra days (but don't) it's that good on scalp and hair, even the ends.
What it’s like to have really soft hair…
Hi Louise,
MY FIRST DAY: I now know what it's like to have really soft hair. I thought It was my hair, but as you say there is no such thing as bad hair, just bad hair products. Hairgasm is really the most appropriate name for what I had in the shower, you certainly know how to describe your products in the most truest sense. This is how my first day went: the night before I did a pretreat with the Honeybee, #19, in the morning, I did my oil massage with #18 SOS Scalp oil for about 5 minutes, washed and rinsed twice with #2 SuperClean, and then retreated with #10-a Protein Treatment, and dabbed my ends with #13 Bliss Tips. and once everything was dry I also sprayed a very small amount of #11 Magic spray. (I guess I'm just curious about all these many products, and am like a little kid in a candy store, I want to try everything). And Voila !!! No weigh down, just Super Soft, Silky feeling hair.
(C H from US)
After foolishly deviating from the Louise-Marie Longhairs/Hairgasm products, methods and philosophy, my hair was dead, dry and limp.
Within days of reigniting the Louise-Marie Longhairs/Hairgasm program and non-salon attitude, my hair and my inner being are both completely back on track and want to stay that way in perpetuity-
D C from E C CA
Not that I am gloating about it!
Just a week ago, I saw my best friend "M". I have envied her beautiful, dark, thick, fast-growing hair for as long as I can remember.
For the first time, I thought my hair looked better and was in much better shape than hers!
Not that I am gloating about it! Actually, I feel badly for her. Years of perming and coloring are taking it's toll. Her curly, waist-length hair is now between shoulder and mid-back length. It's colored auburn for most of it's length, and almost black with silver strands on the top inch closest to the scalp. Her hair doesn't look as shiny as before; but coarser and her bangs - she complains - curl up in the strangest way on her forcing her to use the curling iron with increased fervor. In other words, it isn't the same.
"M"'s hair has changed, as all hair does, over time. However, her changes are not all to her liking. Hair that used to stand up to frequent coloring, perming and general abuse now cannot take it anymore. Hair that often saw a brush, comb or pick ripped through it is showing the damage. And hair is curling in a very unruly way, not at all like the soft shiny curls she once had.
It would be easy to contribute it all towards age, and although it may have something to do with it, I don't believe it is the major contributor. I think the "sins" of the past have caught up with her - I think this is due to years of abuse and hair that cannot just snap back from it anymore.
Rough hair utensils ripped through the hair rudely. Using hair products heavy with silicones. Harsh chemical colorants and perms parching the hair, breaking the hair's bonds and reforming them at the whim of a roller rod and a stylists hands. Now multiply this quotient by many years -- what does this yield? An abused, overprocessed product.
I feel so much for my friend's hair! I've offered her the use of my products, but she is not interested. Not in the cost, or the time, process or care. Her hair is fine, she feels.
But will it still seem so to her in a year? Two years? Five years?
Fixing up my previously abused hair has been a painful process for me in some ways. Growing out multiple layers. Trying to figure out the best combinations of products for my hair and varying them for maximum benefit. Taking the time even when I don't have it. And adding to that a head of hair that grows much slower than average... It's a hard uphill climb. I've been tempted to say it isn't worth it anymore. Tempted to say that hair like mine, that grows so slowly and isn't thick as some folks, isn't worth it. Why not just keep my hair medium length. Any product will keep shorter hair just fine.
But then I look at my friend's changing hair. And I then say, well.... maybe my hair isn't all that bad... The texture and shine and softness of my hair is beautiful and much better than before. My scalp is healthier. And maybe my hair isn't very thick or doesn't grow fast, but what I do have looks nice.
And then I think to myself; what if I didn't use these products? What would my hair look like in a month? A Year? Five years?
Whew! That thought makes me shudder. I certainly wouldn't be better off, and I doubt I'd stay with my hair at it's current good and healthy state.
I guess what I'm saying is -- maybe not all of us can have what is termed as "perfect hair" for long hair. Maybe out hair isn't thick. Maybe it isn't fast growing. Maybe it has other problems we must strive with. BUT... it's a lot better than it was, and it is still beautiful in it's own right.
I've learned not to look at pictures of ladies and gentlemen with perfect hair. Sure, I'm happy for them. I love to see their hair in person when I'm walking down a street - delighted to see such a nice surprise and yet another person who prefers long hair. But I don't judge myself as much upon them. It's hard not to. But all I've got is this one head of hair and I'm not going to get another. What I do now to my hair will affect it for quite a long time to come as the ends increasingly get older. I want to make the best of what I have.
So, maybe no flashy photographer for a hair site wants to take a picture of me. That's okay. Whenever I feel my soft clean hair brush against the back of my arms in summer or see my hair while combing it out in front of the mirror, I can enjoy it for myself and savor just the small moment. After all, who are we growing our hair out for anyway?
(H from USA)
What an HONOR it was to sit in Louise Marie Longhairs’ chair…
I just arrived in from Toronto after the long weekend and I was going to wait to post my comments about my visit to this wonderful WONDERLAND of a Non-salon, mainly because I didn't think I could express what an HONOR it was to sit in Louise Marie Longhairs' chair... this antique chair is a worth a whole other posting... but I can't wait to share with all my other Longhair friends here.
was great (thanks to him my magicpack is like brand new) The cats were beautiful well behaved, lovable, fluffy, creatures that made me feel right at home and long for my own fluffy creature back home!
LML was just gracious, intelligent, and healing. The experience was overwhelming to say the least.
LML diagnosed everything right and wrong with my hair and scalp, and cleansed and massaged and combed and shampooed for approximately an hour and a half before she even started THE CUT, I swear my hair must have already grown and inch before I left that day!
We joked and people watched out her beautiful downtown window at all the silicone heads walking the streets ... how dare they!
LML spent hours cutting my hair which lacked any shape due to not going for a salon cut in over a year. A couple hours later I emerged with the curls that went straight due to yucky products over the years, a beautiful shape that actually made my hair look longer than when I walked in, it falls all over my body now, not just in the front or just in the back (all around) I've got a 'before' picture and I promise to send her an after shot. My hair feels fantastic, thick, shiny, and like it is growing as I type. I left with a treat for clients only (Love, love, love them!) and also a friend in LML.
It was truly an HONOR to sit in her chair. If you get the opportunity, give yourself the treat of a lifetime!
Can't wait to go back. Thank you so much.
(another curly from central USA)
love my Longhairs NEW Organic Citrus Kiss Facewash
I just love my "Longhairs NEW Organic Citrus Kiss Facewash"... and here's why:
This is the first facewash that I have used in years. It is gentle and it does not irritate or cause redness which is the primary reason why I never use cleansers or face washes. There is no dryness or stripping of the acid mantle which means that I can use it every day. This cold weather is usually very harmful to my face but I can still use this cleanser without causing redness and irritation. Beautiful!
LC from NY
Yay! I got the shampoo and conditioner in record breaking time!
Thank you for your amazing customer service. I also loved the leopard print scrunchie you kindly added!
You are wonderful
It’s my new favourite hair product
I just love my "#14W Wavy-Soft Styling Clean Gel by Longhairs®"... and here's why:
It's my new favourite hair product - my hair is fine and straight and can be totally lifeless if the weather is humid or rainy. I used to get my hair coloured mainly to give it some body but since I stopped colouring, it's been too droopy. This styling gel actually makes my hair look great even in bad-hair weather. And it gets better as the day goes on, bigger and wavier and thicker looking!
Hair Genius Thank you Louise Marie Longhairs for creating products for everybody.
Subject: Hair Genius.
Thank you Louise Marie Longhairs for creating products for everybody. I am a black female and have been searching for products that will leave my hair soft. Always disappointed and back to square one. Then I waste money because products were disappointing. Your products are so amazing and the name hairgasm sums it up in a nut shell. The BTN duo (LONGHAIRS® BTN Duo Beginners Kit)leaves my hair so soft and moisturized I can't stop touching my hair. The Chillout spray is awesome too. Thank you Louise
Now I am using LML hair products. No other hair products will touch my hair. Good bye forever to commercial products and hello to LML hair products. Louise hair products have totally transformed my hair. With using the chillout spray I am noticing my skin and scalp improving. For years my hair has only been at shoulder length and now I know it will grow grow grow. My goal is bra strap length. With following your instructions with washing my hair everyday and not using henna anymore. Thanks again Louise!
B from N
Here is the story I wrote I called *As-it began*…
Here is the story I wrote I called *As-it began*.. with the help of a friendly hair spirit named Louise Marie Longhairs..." A Story Written for Louise Marie.. From the beginning, when we were all given life through the first man and woman. Every part of our body was to serve a purpose, the womb to give birth, the eyes to see, the legs and feet to walk. Some things that may seem to just be there and do nothing really do serve a purpose.
Take my hair for example, I know that I have it, and I know I have to keep it clean but why is it exactly there? It doesn't speak. Or does it? It does, because when another one sees you they look at the many things...your eyes, your skin and on down to your feet.
But your crown, in these days of no real kings and queens, is your hair. It's there to be beautiful. Not everyone has beautiful hair either, most people have to work hard at it. And we Anishinabe people were given by our creator Gitche-Manitou good hair.
So I think it's a shame that in assimilating into the larger culture around us we lost our beautiful hair. We enter salon and barbers and sheer away part of the beauty that was given to us long before clippers and scissors ever existed. In this world of culture vultures, treaty rights, land and water fights and the right to sell tax free cigarettes we easily lose sight of the fact that we are cutting away one of the greatest gifts given to us, our hair. What was the first thing taken away from my parents and grand parents by all the priests, missionaries, social workers and boarding school teachers on the road to civilization and de-indianization. HAIR. Chop, snip, clip and cut. There goes pride, spirit and joy right down the drain. They knew it and so do I. Having said all this , I try to honour in a small way the first of my people by keeping my hair like theirs and hope along with looking like theirs it contains some of the soul they had also. But, not without the help of a friendly hair spirit named Louise Marie Longhairs, anyhow. : ) This is the official story of the day and it belongs to you now Louise Marie."
(N member Athena, from TURTLE Is)
Has not been this healthy since I was a kid…
Dear Louise Marie
Just a little note.. to thank you for your continued excellent and professional service.
I just LOVE my new hair colour, and cut, which you did last week.
I also wanted to mention that in my 26 years of going to salons to get my hair done, never have I had so many wonderful compliments than in the past 2 years since I've been going to you. My hair, now is really getting quite long, and it has not been this healthy since I was a kid. The care that you take in keeping it healthy with the right cut and great colour products, along with my using your amazing shampoos and conditioners have made a world of difference.
Another thing that I really like is that I get one-on-one dedicated attention when in your salon... I no longer feel like I'm the product of an assembly line with my stylist jumping from one person to the other like they do in the larger salons.
All this to say... BRAVO! ...and thanks for two years (and many more to come) of great friendly service...
I had been bothered by a flaky scalp…
I have yet to find here a product that I DON'T like--they're all super! I had been bothered by a flaky scalp, particularly at my hairline around my face, and Louise Marie's product recommendations are taking care of it! I'm really impressed with her customer service. I am daydreaming about getting to Toronto for a visit to her salon as well (I live in USA) and hope to "someday."
(from USA)
…(I) would not buy any other face cleanser now
I just love my "Citrus Kiss Facewash by Longhairs® Hairgasm®"... and here's why:
This is the first facewash I've found that actually removes all dirt and makeup without feeling either harsh or greasy - just clean and fresh.
The Citrus Kiss Facewash by Longhairs® Hairgasm® lathers up with just a drop, so a 4-oz. bottle lasts a long time. The smell is great too.
I really like this product and would not buy any other face cleanser now:-)
Looked LONGER when I left!
I came in for my first appointment at Longhairs Non-Salon and didn't know exactly what to expect.
Well, I'm soooo glad I came!
After working on my hair for nearly 1.5 hours, guess what? It looked longer and better than it EVER has, in my whole life.
New people should just trust her. Trust her because she means so well, she pays intense attention to detail, she really takes her time, she lovingly cuts trims re-aligns the hair like promised. I've never seen anyone do anything like she does, before. I am SO pleased! My hair moves sexy, it wraps around me when I turn, doesn't tangle or look stringy dull split or frizzy anymore.
Worth every penny too.
Needless to say I left with some special vitamin spray, and a bigger Barebones 16oz beginners kit because I never want to run out.
I'm a new woman!
Just trust her since she is positive, genuine and a true gem to work with.
I see already that my hair is growing in better and faster. Like magic! Imagine that on top of somehow it looked LONGER when I left? Can't beat this!
Thank you for being so supportive…
Dear Louise Marie Longhairs,
Thankyou for being so supportive when I came to you, completely distraught. I appreciate your advice on the wholistic and naturopathic Remedies you suggested. All the best, Love and blessings to you !!
PS, I LOVE my new colour you did, and your products!
Luckily for me I heard of your long hair salon...
The absolute worst salon experience I have ever had was at a popular trendy salon. I had always been very happy with my long hair, even proud of it, it gave me confidence knowing that I had nice hair, until I went to one of those supposedly well reputed salons. The hairdresser who did my hair did not listen to my instructions at all. By the time he was done with my hair it looked like it had been bush wacked. Instead of soft layers I had chunky uneven cubes. After two weeks my black hair dye started to turn into an orangy gold ring, like a halo. Needless to say I left there crying and was upset for months after. Luckily for me I heard of your longhair salon. After one visit my hair was restored to it's former self, I was proud of my hair once again. I would recommend your salon to anyone, longhaired or not. Seems that all there is out there is the type of salon that spends to much time on making them and there salon trendy, instead of there clients hair. Thanks for fixing my hair Louise Marie Longhairs.
(C s t)
My grey streak had diminished 60-75%, but with no hair loss!!
Dear Dr. Longhairs
I recently started using your #18 SOS Medic Scritching oil and Sunshine On My Shoulders shampoo and was amazed at the results. Firstly, the shampoo brought in such nice strong highlights, that I had many people ask me if I had coloured my hair. I could happily reply that it natural from my new shampoo! Secondly, as I scritched I decided to focus on unblocking the hair follicles that were on my natural grey streak. Within a few days, it struck me that my grey streak had diminished 60-75%, but with no hair loss.
My hair and scalp feel so healthy now.
Thanks for the fantastic products!!
(long time basic Longhairs products user and non-salon client)
Straggly and Fuzzy to Shiny and Beautiful!
Hi Louise Marie,
Thanks to you, I've gone from "Straggly and Fuzzy to Shiny and Beautiful!Thank you so much for your help in restoring my hair. When I came to you it was a damaged mess, that was crying out and I was seriously considering chopping it all off. Not that I wanted short hair, but I was at my wits end. My beautiful "Greylocks" had turned into a straggly, fuzzy and straw-like bush on top of my head. It looked old..... it made me look old!After your intense treatments, I can only say, it looks and feels like the hair I used to have when I was twenty years old! It shines, it moves and it now frames my face with beauty!Having beautiful shiny hair instantly made me look -and feel- ten years younger
! Who knew!I've already had lots of compliments about my hair and always tell them about you!
Horn Comb rubs the scalp sooooo beautifully
I just love my "Comber LONGHAIRS® HAIRGASM® Superchunk 4" Not-So-Widetoothed Mini Smoothie"... and here's why:
I couldn't survive without this Horn Comb when I'm in a real tangle - itfeels good in the hand and this Horn Comb rubs the scalp sooooo beautifully. You need at least one of these.
You know me and my fine fine hair just had to tell u how excited I am…
You know me and my fine fine hair just had to tell u how excited I am that plastic bendy tie hanger hook hair thing is easy to use even for my hair twist hair and slide in nothing to it and it stays in amazing thank you just wanted to let you know most clips are too heavy for my hair
L C c
Thank you, thank you, thank you for making products my hair can live with.
Thank you for your kind help in directing me with the use of the MagicPack. I am really glad I bought it.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for making products my hair can live with.
My hair has become so soft since using your products. My hair is in the best condition it has ever been in. I have had a life-long problem with extremely dry, brittle hair whenever I have tried to have a longer length, so I have always had shorter hair.
Finally I can now grow my hair long! I get so many great comments about my hair, how long it is and how healthy it is. The most important thing to me is the fact that my hair is now healthy! I plan to always use your products, even if I should ever decide to go with shorter hair, although my plan now is just to see how long I can get it to grow.
Thank you also for your kind help in directing me with the use of the MagicPack. I am really glad I bought it.
Your Pike clips and the Butterfly clips (tamping pins) work great!
The clips work great! I cannot believe I have spent so much money in the past 1-1/2 years on hair accessories, and nothing worked right, except yours, both the Pike clips and the Butterfly clips (tamping pins). The headband fits, thank you very much.
What a difference the Butterfly clips (tamping pins) made in how my hair looked. My husband came home and told me my hair looked really good, and for him to say that is saying a lot. He is the kind to not voluntarily say anything and when I ask he says it looks fine.
CS in WA
Cute Longhairs guy alert!
I was sitting in her magical hairchair when a cute young gentleman Magicpacker came in to pick up some magical potions. He was so cute, and I actually said out loud that I LOVE big-hair guys. His hair was flowing everwhere, dark curly and shiny.
He obviously follows her regimens properly.
He later texted her to say that I too was looking very cute... in the leopard hair-cutting smock.
V from T.
even MORE handsome than usual!
My boyfriend stayed the night and forgot is usual shampoo and conditioner at home, so he had to use my Longhairs hair products from Louise Marie Longhairs.
I saw such an improvement right away! He agreed that his hair was immediately softer and shinier.
He has shoulder-length hair and it flowed down nicely instead of getting frizzy and tangled. Mmmm he looked even MORE handsome than usual!! It was soo SILKY!!
Fine hair love!
Louise Marie,
Over the years I have had a horrible time keeping my fine dirty blond hair
looking good. I always have dreamed of having long hair however I could never
grow it long without the dull colour, brassy, split ends and hair breakage.
I came in to see you in the spring and have
used your hair products and hair care process since that time. I just wanted to
let you know I have caught so many people staring at my hair. It feels light and
soft, it falls beautifully around my face. I LOVE IT.
It has grown over the summer and there is alot
of new growth and with the help of the sun it has some beautiful hilights with no
brassy dried out ends. Just wanted you to know.
K from T CA
Difference..oilyness skinbreakouts are healing old scars are even going away!
I just love my "#27 Longhairs® Chillout Purifying & Healing Spray"... and here's why:
I don't know what took me so long to read all of the directions and use Chillout on my face. I should have done this years ago! After 3 days, I'm already seeing a huge difference in the oilyness of my skin, my breakouts are healing, and some old scars are even going away!
My son introduced me to Louise Marie Longhairs and this was when my hair transformation began…
Great hair!!!
I have been aluminum foiling (foil highlighting) my hair at my regular salon
for years and whenever I went in the sun or just after about 4 weeks, my hair
would start turning into a yuck orange color. So I had to keep going back
regularly. Also I was tested for heavy metals and found out I had high
aluminum.My son introduced me to Louise Marie Longhairs and this was when my hair
transformation began. She fixed my ugly highlights just before I went away
to Costa Rica for 2 months. She told me I did not have to wear a hat to keep
my Longhairs custom hilights color and encouraged me to swim in salt water!
I did all that and my hair kept its beautiful color the whole time. I also
got a great haircut from her and after 3 months it holds well and looks
Also I purchased her shampoo and conditioner (#18 Scalp Oil #2 Balancing
Shampoo Sunshine and #10-B-ME2C) and can't believe how great my hair feels.
I use the conditioner on my towel dried hair to tame my 'puffy' hair and just
let it dry and it looked just amazing.
The other products I recommend are the Longhairs Smoothing Homeopathic Face
Cream which leaves your face
feeling so soft and hydrated and the incredible Look Honey No More Cellulite
soap! My husband noticed that my thighs were getting tighter and leaner just
after a few weeks of using it.
Louisemarie, thank you for creating such great products.
See you soon.
A brilliant (the Baby-Kinder) brush!
I have never really taken a whole lot of notice of brushes until now. I tried my Louise Marie Longhairs' square handled boar and porcupine bristled Baby-Sized Padded Kinderand swear I have never used such a brilliant brush in my whole life.
This brush works wonders on my hair and has made a tremendous difference in how my hair's looks. It makes it very shiny and gets the frizzies out completely! I love it and it fits right into the palm of my hand.
Three cheers for the new Longhairs Baby-sized Kinder Thanks!
(H from CA
And those longhaired men …
Hi Louise Marie!
I just got online! I love it! My last haircut is holding out just great. When I come back to Toronto, I will be coming to you for another magic hairdo! Hope your summers been great, And those longhaired men clients even better! C-Ya!
(A CA)
The ends stay in great shape for way longer than they would before.
My hair is much softer and started to get noticeably longer within a couple months. The ends stay in great shape for way longer than they would before.
Long-ing .(4) For A Visit With Louise Marie Longhairs Reply
"I really have to agree with this. I have been using LML's products for almost a year now, and the personal service I receive is outstanding. I LOVE when she calls me personally to see how I am doing, if I have any questions, or problems. She truly wants to help every way she can. I can also understand how LM is reluctant to offer just any single product to the general public. How could they know how to use it properly? What if they mixed it with commercial products and didn't get a good result? They would of course blame that on the LML product - but as we Longhairs all know, hers is a system to be followed exclusively, and patiently, for the superior results it delivers.
At first, even I was doubtful about purchasing an entire line at one time. When I did, I was not getting 'great' results at first, and was rather irritated about forking over all the $$. But LM kept me hopeful, stayed in great contact with me, and after several months, the results have been fabulous! I am hooked forever. And I am also very much looking forward to visiting LM soon for a complete evaluation and a "non-salon" experience.
Those "outsiders" will never know how good it can be until they all make the leap and become LML members and clients. As I do wish LM all the success in the world from her hair care knowlege, and wholistic and naturopathic practices, I secretly hope that she stays small enough that we can keep her to ourselves - so that she doesn't get spread too thin!
Well, I guess that is not such a secret anymore, now is it??"
( from USA)
Extremely Satisfied with My First Order
I received my oh-so-beautiful combs today in the mail. They are so lovely, and they make my scalp feel SO good. My scalp has a nice little tingle after using them. I really think I will have to order some more someday. I paid extra attention to my thin areas on my scalp and I look forward to receiving the benefits from using the combs. I also thank you for enclosing a complimentary green suede bag to put my combs in. I am extremely satisfied with my first ever order from Louise Marie Longhairs!
EC from USA
For pleasure and absolute sensuality
I just love my "Comber LONGHAIRS® HAIRGASM® Classic WOW HUGE 7.5-8" Largest Black Ox Horn"... and here's why: For pleasure and absolute sensuality this is a must have. It massages the scalp without you having to do all the work. It grips perfectly and catches all the loose hairs if you are putting your hair up in an updo. It is truly a thing of beauty!
Classic WOW HUGE 7.5-8" Largest Black Ox Horn
Classic WOW HUGE 8" Largest Sheeps Horn
Classic WOW 7.5" Large Sheeps Horn
Classic WOW 7" Large Black Ox Horn
I’ve been coming to her for 6 months now…
Hi! I have had long hair my entire life and it has never looked better.
I had never cut my hair, only cut off split ends with the kitchen scissors. Since using the products I have received tons of compliments on my hair.
I needed to trim the ends but i didn't want anyone to know so I discussed it with Louise Marie and she gave me the most amazing "non-hair cut" cut in the world. No one has noticed that I cut the ends, they just comment how healthy it looks! "I've been coming to her for 6 months now"
longhair_happy: Definitely
length: way past waistlength
G C from T, CANADA
#10B-ME…. It is lighter and silkier and richer! #10B-ME.... It is lighter and silkier and richer! 10B-ME ...I used this for the first time today and I found it delightful. It is lighter and silkier and richer than your previous version. My hair feels really silky. It is even more beautiful than the original.
LC longtime member
Her Hair Growth (sublingual( Vitamin Spray really works wonders for me!
I started using the DocLonghairs Hair Growth Vitamin Spray that Louise Marie Longhairs custom formulates and my hair GROWS! It feels and looks thicker and healthier.
I am 56 years old by the way and I have so much energy i can work a 50-60 hour work week at 2 jobs and cycle 10 miles every weekend.
I feel healthier than I have in years and all my friends say I'm a dynamo! I also have noticed a lot less grey hair and (with her coloring too,) no line of demarcation hardly at all anymore. This vitamin spray really works wonders for me and my freinds have all noticed too!( LM prescribed me to take 4 sprays under my tongue in the morning and 4 at night)
Louise Marie really knows her stuff..
Louise Marie really knows her stuff...and my hair has never been in better shape than it is now. Louise Marie really knows her stuff.
(H from USA)
My new hair:-)
I thought I would let you know how I was doing. I have been using the products as you have instructed and everybody keeps asking me what I've done different with my hair. I haven't done anything but wash it with your products. They are amazing.
I really like the #20 & 21# Shampoos and the #17 Lilith Conditioner. I have naturally red hair with blonde streaks from the summer. This combination makes my hair really shiny and red, I love the smells.
My absolute favorite smell is the #18 SOS Scalp oil. I have been using a little for the smell, at night if I have a headache or can't sleep. It helps me to relax.
I also use the #18 SOS Scalp oil on my husband's scalp as a treat because he loves to have his scalp massaged. I also really like the #9 Trees conditioner. It feels great on my scalp and it smells good too.
I have hardly had any tangles in my hair since I started using your products. I love them all. I have used the #13 -A Bliss tips oil on my ends and it works great. I don't have much left because my cat was in the bathroom when I was putting it in my hair and she knocked the bottle over and dumped the bottle all over the counter. I managed to get most of it off the counter and back into the bottle. I have about half a bottle left.
Thanks for everything!
(H from the central USA)
Louise Marie,
Your products are amazing. My hair has never felt better and more alive!!
I am in love with the #27 Chillout Purifying Skin and Scalp Spray, it's absolute genius! I am so happy to get rid of my harmful, chemically laden products of the past and it's all thanks to you... I LOVE YOU!!!!
J from N Y
My head feels incredible, my hair is energized!!
Been going to see Louise Marie Longhairs for many years but just recently got my first DrLonghairs official scalp treatment. My head feels incredible, my hair is energized!!
I have long curly hair and the curls have come alive, my scalp is rejuvenated.
I have seen DrLonghairs for over 10 years and just lately I have finally started to use her products properly. LOL
I should have paid more attention before because she always gives me beautiful advice. I am in her debt.
Hey thank you again Louise Marie
Long-ing (1) for a Visit With Louise Marie Longhairs
a story from a-far... I have been a Louise Marie Longhairs client (online) for over a year now. I now have nearly waist length, thick brown hair.
I'd been growing it out using commercial shampoos with high silicone content. I loved the shine (what was actually a yucky coating) but my hair wouldn't grow past "bra-length". I switched to high-priced salon formulas, which promised organic ingredients (like sodium l. sulfate, and of course, silicone-based conditioners) and great soft hair, but I got neither. Again, my hair was dry, frizzy, and felt more like straw than hair.
I found Louise Marie Longhairs' web site though a fellow longhair, and it was a whole new beginning for me.
The first few months I really didn't notice anything dramatic, but after awhile, my hair was growing longer, it had a MUCH softer texture, and the "frizzies" smoothed out into nice soft waves. I don't have oily build up on my scalp (which cause flakes!) and I don't get split ends as often either. My hair is growing longer and stronger thanks to LML's natural products.
But that's just the beginning of the story!
I being a poor college student, dreamed of going to Louise Marie Longhairs' salon for one of her famous cuts.
I was tired of going to "bargain haircuts" where for $10.95 I could ask for 1/2 in cut, and walk out in tears with 4 inches gone, or going to overpriced salons where they did the same thing to me for five times the price.
To get to Louise Marie Longhairs I needed a little help. For a gift, my mother bought me a plane ticket to Toronto, and a gift certificate to the Louise Marie Longhairs salon! I was completely overjoyed!
After some planning (with Louise Marie's help!) I was in Toronto! The day I arrived I was amazed that Louise Marie Longhairs' salon was in the heart of downtown Toronto, and the buildings there are beautiful.
The actual visit.....
I walked up the stairs to meet one of Louise Marie's assistants, and I waited for Louise Marie's arrival. In the mean time I was thoroughly entertained by - three beautiful cats with interesting heritages.
Louise Marie Longhairs arrived a short time later, a flash of sparkles and laughter! I will give her this, she really does look like the "sweet marie longhairs" logo on her products!
After some nice chatting about my traveling, we got down to work.
I've used her products for over a year, but with the limited things you can describe over email, I still had some build-up and needed to get a good scrub down of the Longhairs SOS scalp oil (#18). I'm sure LML could bench press with her pinky, her fingers are SO strong!
I found out that a main reason the area of hair over and around my ears was so unusually oily was that my hair grew straight down in that area, so the oil just sat around there and built up. The hair that grew there was very wispy and fragile. LML gave me personal directions on how to correct this, and this would have been very hard to do over email and the internet.
I then got a good dose of Chillout (#27) applied. I was shampooed and conditioned (with #2 and #9) and whisked to get the trim! In the mean time, they refilled my Magic Pack.
There is no way to describe the way Louise Marie Longhairs trims hair. She is most definitely an artist, and hair is her canvas! Snips here and there, over and under, for over an hour. We chatted, and it was great fun. I never saw big chunks of hair sitting in my lap.
Louise Marie Longhairs is definitely a perfectionist as well! I could now run my hands through it with not a catch or snarl. It was swinging and flowed and bouncy all at the same time! It had a definite shape to it now! Not just limp locks sitting on my back, but lively hair dancing as I moved!
She took a few pictures of my hair in her Non-salon. Then like a kid in a candy store, I got to pick out goodies to add to my Longhairs Magic Pack.
I got a pair of the Longhairs split nippers which work wonderfully, and they have a most original design! (I won't ruin that surprise!) I also got some hair clips and her velveteen scrunchies!
I loved every minute of it. Never have I felt more pampered! I didn't feel like I was going to some stoddy salon, but over to a friends house to chat the day away!
Louise Marie genuinely cares about your hair looking and feeling its best, and is a rarity in itself. I hope that given the opportunity, I can visit her salon at least yearly!
Since the cut, I have to actually SEARCH for split ends, and my brushes have never had it so easy (there are no more snarls to detangle!). I must say thanks again to LMLonghairs for all her help!
And if you ever get the chance, go see her!
(Hs from the Eastern USA)
I have had fine hair that just never looked right long…
I found your website while I was on a search for a "For Me" Birthday present.
I was actually looking for a simple horn comb. All my life I have had fine hair that just never looked right long, even now it's in a jaw line length bob. While reading about your products I wasn't sure if this was the right place for me. I browsed your sites for hours, seriously. I was impressed with the amount of information available and the details that were included. I wasn't sure I was willing to spend so much on some shampoo, conditioner and a couple combs. I figured, what the heck? It's only birthday money, what's the worst that could happen, I could have great hair.
My shipment arrived today, so I opened my birthday present, read through the tutorials and headed to the shower.
Even with just one washing cycle (I followed the directions though and lathered 4 times!) I can't believe the difference in the way my scalp and hair feel. I could be happy with longer hair if it felt and looked like my hair does.
I'll let you know how it all goes. Thank you for making your fabulous
talents and knowledge available to a larger customer base.
I am so very happy that I took that chance.
…it is always a good hair day
I just love my "Queen Bee Deep Treatment 2-Step Longhairs® Hairgasm® Medium"... and here's why:
Just discovered my new favourite shampoo/conditioner combo: the #28 Chillout shampoo followed by #9 Trees conditioner. On the days I use this combo, it is always a "good hair day" - not sure if this is a prescribed use, (leaving out the Honey-Bee step 1 sometimes) but it works for me!
It worked great and this time there was almost no damaged hair!
I just love my "#19 Longhairs® Honey-Bee-Long Deep Treatment"... and here's why: I have been swimming in a salt-water pool for about 5 years but my hair was still getting chlorine damage. I have the silicone swim caps and was just using a Lycra cap and was not wetting my hair before going in the water. Louise Marie suggested that I wash my hair first and then put on some #19 Longhairs® Honey-Bee-Long Deep Treatment before I put my swim cap on and then rinse it out when I go
t out of the pool (and finished with #9 Trees Stimulating Conditioner). It worked great and this time there was almost no damaged hair!
I also love it as a skin cream.I'm obsessed! I have dyed my hair one to many times and ended up with dull "hay hair" that never grew past my bra line. But that has all changed now.. It's only been a couple of weeks
since using your products, but my hair has transformed into shiny, healthy hair. I actually like my hair now! I want and will try everything. I can't thank you enough.
V P from SanDiego usa
I was so EXCITED!!
Dear Louise Marie
I just wanted to thank you again for yesterdays appointment. I couldn't tell how much curl there was in my hair until I got home and saw it dry. I was SO EXCITED!!!
I was going through each curl on my head and was telling my husband that they are only that curly when I use a curling iron!
G from T.O.
I’m obsessed!
I'm obsessed! I have dyed my hair one too many times and ended up with dull "hay hair" that never grew past my bra line. But that has all changed now… It's only been a couple of weeks since using your products, but my hair has transformed into shiny, healthy hair. I actually like my hair now! I want and will try everything. I can't thank you enough!
Your stuff is the best. My hair gets compliments all the time.
I just love my "#10-B-ME-2C Longhairs® Protein X-Dry Curly or Coloured Conditioner"... and here's why: As always Louise, you have provided the best products I have ever used. I get perfect results every time. Your stuff is the best. My hair gets compliments all the time.
L R from T
I Love the Results That I’ve Gotten With My BTN…
I love the results that I've gotten with my LONGHAIRS® BTN PRODUCTS DUO, and I simply can't wait to get my Magicpack. With all of the other products that I've spent money on, previous to yours) only to be disappointed with the results, I could have paid for a Magicpack three or four times over... oh well, you live and learn!
My 1 yr anniversary
Dear members,It's been almost a year now, since I have been using Louise Marie Longhairs products ONLY. I must say that my hair is softer--no more straw, it is NEVER as tangly as it used to be. All in all, it is in better condition than ever!
I would like to share this with others: When I first started I was concerned about which shampoo or conditioner to use, but in this first year using Louise Marie Longhairs products, I have realized that it really doesn't matter---each shampoo and conditioner has something that your hair needs right now. Which shampoo is my favorite??? The one I used today!! I do use each shampoo for 3 days in a row, as suggested. I would also like to add, it has taken almost a year for my hair to take the Sofn shampoos well and also to take the 10B correctly. It took about 6 months to get all the silicones and glycols out, with LML's help. I have colored red hair--the hardest color to keep in your hair, but LML's products keep the color in. I used to have color on everything that my hair touched, my clothes, my towels, my pillowcase. Now I have white sheets and no pink pillowcase!! Now I would never want to be without my #18 scalp oil, #27 Chillout spray-nothing like it to cool off in humid weather, #13 on my ponytail ends every night!--also tried it on my shaving rash-cleared up in one day. It takes everyone time to adjust to the products, like Louise Marie Longhairs says, keep using it and you will see!!
Louise Marie Longhairs: Thanks for a great year and please use any of this for your boards.
(straight haired from M USA)
Deepest thanks for your sensational web site!…
Dear Louise Marie;
Words cannot express my deepest thanks for your sensational web site! It the best anywhere! well informed , concise and over and above the call of duty! And so are your hair products, they are simply the BEST!
Everything that you have said on your web site is absolutely 100 percent true! I have shorter afro hair and I have wanted to get it long for the longest time! I have used the body shop products for years and at the time, loved them immensely,.. but when I discovered your web site through , and saw all the stuff that you have to offer and the q and a form I was estatic!
So I ordered some and Your products ARE sensational! I love the #1 (give me strength) Protein shampoo,and the magic spray is beyond sensational! I love it so much that I have to order more of it!. ... the Hairgasm shampoo does what it says, and then some! A conversation partner told me yesterday that my hair has grown since using your products for this short of a time!! well it's not long yet but thanks to your products it's getting there!
The products are just awesome! ...and for those who are wondering if they work let me answer them by saying YES! and then some! thank you Louise Marie! for you sensational products!
(A-A and C from USA)
Remind me! I’m bringing you in a $100 tip! Thank you!
Yayyyyy! Good effects from your VOLC4 chelation powder!! OMG I am wearing my blouse tucked in. Haven't done that in years. You did what a thousand sit-ups couldn't...
I've got a waistline again!! 3 weeks in at my recommended dosage 2tbsp twice a day..taken in water. I haven't brushed teeth with it yet, but i will. Some how it got things really moving. A calmer digestive system...Tummy going down, more solid stools same frequency., i have much less gas..Pretty good progress for thinking everything was all just fine !! Perhaps we are getting rid of blocked toxins and hormones trapped inside my digestive tract. Works way better than the kits from the health food store. Absolutely.By the way thanks for the beautiful hair as well!!!
I heard from a fellow Magicpacker…
I read that a fellow Magicpack member secretly hopes that Louise Marie doesn't get too popular and "spread out too thin". Even if Louise Marie's line became the most popular in the world, I don't think she'd ever get spread out too thin because not everyone would put in the effort and care that is needed for her line to work. We choose her line initially, but eventually it chooses us!
Also, I told Louise Marie about a friend of mine who wants to grow her hair long and she said to bring her to the non-salon with me next time.
She told me to bring her along next time and that I was like many of her clients who want to keep her a secret. The downside of keeping Louise Marie a secret is that it maybe keeps her from getting new clients. (some hair chat boards have rules I notice try to keep her down to 'size', afraid of her becoming too popular? ..heaven-forbid a household name like a popular mainstream brand they are not afraid to discuss. I notice initials are used to discuss her that aren't listed or defined in their legends like with other brands) New clients and sharing her means more support and desire for her line and that means she can get the support to to buy the finest ingredients for her products that we love.
Next time someone asks me if I dyed my hair or remarks about it, I'm going to mention Louise Marie Longhairs' line (which I haven't done in the past). In fact, I was thinking of buying my friend a gift certificate for a holiday gift and taking her with me to the Longhairs Non-salon next time I visit!
I'll let her choose if she decides to join or not and then if she does, I hope the Longhairs products choose her.
(from USA)
Yes, it’s worth it…
I agree that LM's line is worth the cost. I'm almost at a year on her line and I've started to set aside every month for my "cleansing bill". Last time I went to see LML, it came out to be a rather large bill - I get LOTS of #27. I then decided to budget better and when I figured out how much money to set aside a month, I realized how much it costs me per day. Really, it isn't that much at all! I think if someone said "I can guarantee you beautiful hair and clear skin for only X amount of money a day", most people would gladly pay that and more. What I like about LM's products is that they don't guarantee those results for a small amount of money a day - you have to put in alot of your own elbow oils This is going to sound arrogant, but that is what sets us apart from others. We put in alot of effort to get the results we have. The money is nothing to the time and work I put into using LM's line.
Above, I said X amount of money because I understand that currency varies for many people on this board. I would suggest that if you are ever concerned about cost to calculate your daily expenditure and you'll be pleasantly surprised!
About the time, I do put in alot of time a day taking care of my hair and skin. That would really get to me sometimes until one day I was chilling out my skin after my shower with the windows open and I could hear the chirping birds. I realized then that those birds and all other animals spend most of the day when they are not looking for food or taking care of young on grooming themselves and each other. Spending time on my hair and skin feels natural and allows me to be mindful. I think of my scalp when I do scrubs and enjoy the feeling of the oil. I pay attention to every scent from LM's products. Grooming is not just good for my hair and skin, I believe it is good for my mind and soul too.
(from USA)
All I can say is…wow.
I received my order today (a day early - yay Canada Post!), and everything arrived snug and safe.All I can say My hair's been ruined to the point of being unable to get a comb through it for the last couple of weeks, and in ONE treatment with the Longhairs #18 SOS Scalp oil/#27 Chillout Purifying Spray and Beginners Kit #2 Balancing Superclear shampoo and #10-BME conditioner, it's soft, pliable, and tangle free. This is awesome, and I am completely impressed.Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Everything smelling lovely is a nice bonus, too. :DA.Warner
Her silver hair goes yellow again!!
How to tell when your mom has run out of her Longhairs shampoo and conditioner...that she'd pinched from you? Her silver hair goes yellow again!!
They’re missing out ..
I have hip-length (3.3 feet) of hair & use Louise Marie Longhairs products daily...
Louise Marie is more than just a hairstylist... she's an artist... she's the doctor of hair... she's the goddess of all hair gods & goddesses... she's the ultimate genius... i feel sorry for those who don't use her products & who don't get private sessions with her... they're missing out in one of the greatest hair care technicians that has ever lived...
Irma loves how my hair smells.
Irma loves how my hair smells. She reminds me everytime i see her at work! She always has to walk up to me and remind me how good i smell. Thanks Louise!
I AM IN LOVE WITH THE(NEW) #28 CHILLOUT SHAMPOO!!! Its my favorite shampoo so far:) The Official Longhairs page looks great!! My favorite website of all time I’m always very happy with the quick service & great attitude:)
KH from H
I was one of those serum junkies.
I just love my "#13-A Blisstips Ends & Deep Oil Treatment by Longhairs®"... and here's why: Many years ago I was one of those "serum" junkies, my hair was addicted to the stuff.Using the LML system has left my hair healthy.Using the Blisstips Ends and Deep Oil treatment lightly on dry hair protects it from the humidity--even out on the lake on a humid day on a sailboat! Great shine for a dockside dinner later that night with no fuss other than combing out my hair.Carol from NY
Your Smoothing Face Cream stood up to an extreme stress test.
I just thought I'd let you know how your Smoothing Face Cream stood up to an extreme stress test. The other night I cried for two hours then fell asleep, probably dehydrated and without having done my evening face routine. I didn't get nearly enough sleep and woke up bleary-eyed to my alarm at the crack of dawn.Despite all this abuse, the skin around my eyes was still comfortable and pleasantly soft to the touch. I could have comfortably applied eye make-up as is, without the need for any further moisturizer (and as an added bonus, a bit of Chillout applied to around my eyes with my finger quickly eliminated nearly all the redness).
Another lovely product.#15 Curly Cream
I just love my "#15 Curly Cream Relaxed & Scrunching Styling Aid by Longhairs®"... and here's why: I love how a little is just enough to give great results. Seems to help keep hair well moisturized during the day as well. Another lovely product. Cheers!
My hair (and especially scalp) feels… different… After slightly less than two hair (and especially scalp) feels... different. I've had three people compliment my hair in the first week! I will really enjoy watching my progress with the system. As for the sticky outtie bits...I'm sure I have more than just the normal "grow in" cycle. I think I asked LM about it when I was at the non-salon...but there was so much new information all at once, I didn't take it all in. It's my recollection that she indicated I would get a significant portion of them to "grow in". I recall she said I should expect a "line" around my head as they grow in. I'll let you know in three months or so...if I'm going to get a line I should see it by then. That's also when I'm hoping to go back to the non-salon for another trim/consultation.
(S from C)
I’m still in Japan…
Dear Louise Marie
Hi there! I can't believe it's been over two years now since I last saw you. I must be crazy. I miss you and your shampoo, especially since the shampoo and conditioner here is unbelievably bad... But I need a haircut and I have to stock up on hair stuff, and I'll be in your town soon. I can hardly wait to have my hair feel like hair again! And of course -- to see you!
(Sue K 2 long in JP)
Hi Louise Marie,
I'd like to write a horncomb testimonial and please feel free to share it with other members, pass it along, etc. Oh- where do I start this ode to my beloved horncombs?
Let's start at the beginning...over 5 months ago in the days when I did not know about Louise Marie (Queen of all Good Hair!) and her Magic Horncombs! I took a chance and purchased 2 combs, sheepshorn and oxhorn and the LONGHAIRS® BTN PRODUCTS DUO. I had been sad and upset for years because my previously healthy hair was becoming lank, thin, limp and my bare scalp was showing through in my part area. It was terribly embarrassing and I used all sorts of "methods" to artfully cover the bad spots, etc. although nothing was satisfactory. I figured I had nothing left to lose, I had tried Rogaine, Nioxin and all the other magic bullets available before to no avail.
Well, am I ever glad I did try my combs and the LONGHAIRS® BTN PRODUCTS DUO. I am now a happy Magicpacker and have been for almost 4 months. I received my beautiful horn medicine combs and was immediately impressed with how smooth, beautiful and yep- gorgeous they were. I have told Louise Marie that they are like little works of art to me. I have 13 combs now and I am in grave danger of cleaning out Louise Marie's stock of combs if I ever get to meet her! I started doing my "scritches" faithfully twice daily without fail; scritching the way LML tutorial stated to do. I also used the LONGHAIRS® BTN PRODUCTS DUO , and later the MP faithfully, again EXACTLY the way Louise Marie states to do. In my opinion, it is pointless to use her line of products the traditional way. She has refined and perfected these methods with years of love and work. I figured that nothing else was working for me, so why not at least attempt to do it her way? Within a couple of weeks my husband was swearing that he saw new hair growth on my scalp. I certainly did like the way my hair was responding, but I was almost afraid to believe that a simple comb could do all that. I faithfully scritched and rubbed and stimulated my scalp with her lovely combs before even becoming a Magicpack member, so I assure anyone that these dear little combs are a big part of the reason that EVERYONE is asking me "What are you doing to your hair these days? It looks so great!" I do not have any bald patches anymore either. My hair may not be genetically predisposed to be extremely thick and full, but it is better that I ever thought possible- all this at an age where women traditionally start to sometimes get thin hair. About that age thing...let's get over it! I plan on growing my hair to its full long potential with LML help!
Let's get back to those horncombs I SO love. I wish I could meet everyone personally, and gush about how they really HAVE to try at least a couple. The benefits are truly amazing. They stimulate and funnily enough, relax my scalp all at the same time. I like that "buzz" I get after a good scritch session. My hair is strong, shiny (maybe because of the proteins deposited while rubbing and Scritching?) and my scalp is clear and healthy. No flakes, no oiliness either like it used to be. I'd encourage anyone who is the least bit doubtful to try a couple of horncombs. Louise Marie can even guide you through selections best for you. I trusted her on helping me select mine and I cherish each little (some big!) comb! I crave that twice daily session- just me and my horncomb or two! I credit the LML MP system for bringing my hair into a state of health and beauty I never thought I'd see agan. Your wonderful medicine combs are a major part of the fact that my hair, scalp and I are friends again! I feel that I have witnessed a hair miracle. Folks, I don't know what else to say- please consider trying these combs. I could say more, but I am afraind I have gushed on and on already. I know in my heart that you will not be disappointed and will only be satisfied. Louise Marie has shown me in the short time that I have been working with her that she really does care about her customers and only wants us to be happy with our hair. She cares.
I am becoming increasingly more happy with my hair and scalp all the time thanks to LML!
Handy Little 1oz MP Shampoos set and Soooooo handy mini-conditioning!I'm a Magicpacker and I just love my "Surprise Kit Micro Test-Tasters Gift n Travelers Teensy Weensies of Different Treatments"... and here's why:
So PERFECT for traveling. I do a lot of overnights and one- to two-week trips for work, and the one ounce bottle is enough for the 3 days you need them (my hair is about waist-length, and there's a lot of it).
is definitely the horn comb I’d have to have two or more of I just love my "Scritcher-Comber LONGHAIRS® HAIRGASM
® Larger-Than-Palm 4.5" Sheeps Horn"...and here's why: Now this is my basic. Doesn't hang up as you are using, fits wonderful in the palm and just gets everything done as a Scritcher should.
This is definitely the horn comb I'd have to have two or more of - I have more:-) A thin(slender) and a thick 3x-4x and then even a medium 2x. I have on of these with me wherever I go.
GW in Ca
But after one month with the Longhairs BTN DUO
Hello Louise Marie,just a quick note to confirm what i told you about what i can now do with my (waistlength) hair. As it was growing longer, i couldn't tie it up in a bun any more. it was too heavy, too slippery, and the bun would always end up undoing itself. But after one month with the BTN duo (LONGHAIRS® BTN Duo Beginners Kit), i can now tie it up in a knot, and it stays in place with Chinese chopsticks. i have used several variations on the bun (twist, with chopsticks, with a second elastic, etc.). i never use more than one or two bobby pins, and my hair always stays in place for the full day. so. you were right about that. It's weak hair, NOT long hair, that cannot sustain a bun or a french twist.
Cheers to you,
C from M and M G
The flakes are gone!
The flakes are gone! So I decided to try doing #27 every other day. My scalp got sensitive though. I will try #27 every day for a little longer. I have noticed that #18 feels cool on my scalp now. It rarely did that before, but now it feels tingly and cool almost every morning. Feel free to share this message with other longhairs because it took me about a year and a half for my scalp to finally stay clear consistantly! It still is sensitive and you told me at my last visit that my scalp is still a bit tight and thin. I know I still have longer to go until my scalp is up to it's full potential.
I used to put gel and volumizer on my roots before I started the Longhairs line. It really contaminated my scalp.
(Nina clear sailing in M USA)
Wow! I love my new LONGHAIRS® BTN PRODUCTS DUO! Wow! I love my new LONGHAIRS® BTN PRODUCTS DUO and will purchase my first Magicpack very soon. I recently received my "BTN" LONGHAIRS® BTN PRODUCTS DUO and have been faithfully following Louise Marie's instructions for proper shampooing and conditioning. In less than a week, I have noticed such a positive change in my hair!
I am liking my hair again! It is glossy, feels and looks thicker, does not just hang there. It swings and feels restored to life. Now, I am going to become a Magicpacker. This has convinced me 100%. My husband is so happy, too. He's been waiting for a long time to get me long haired again! Thanks Louise Marie and wonderful staff!
My scalp is not so dry and tight feeling anymore. It is exciting to visibly see my hair respond in such a lovely way. I am so grateful for your expertise and great products.
Thank you.
longhair_happy? = I wasn't before, but it is on its way! I am much happier these days...
My hair is now growing so fast! It is coming in stronger shinier and is very, very, silky
Thanks to Doclonghairs my hair is now growing so fast! It is coming in stronger shinier and is very, very, silky. Even my old 'iffy' hair hangs, flows and moves softly, correctly, and surprisingly well. I can actually say that my long hair is tangle-free and very high quality now. I loved your old shampoos but your newest recipes you send me are Wow. How could things get even better when they were already the the best? Oh and my new Baby Classic Scritcher you picked out for me is a little dreamboat!! It is a very Stimulating, very fine horn comb, and so very, very, addictive, a truly electric and Hairgasmic scalp sensation.
Thanks a million for everything
Uses Beginners Kit, Baby Classic Scritcher, Vitamin Spray, Silica 5XD
After Colouring The 2ND Appointment
After Colouring The 2ND Appointment
If you love your hair as much as I do and are trying to protect it from the products out there with harsh chemicals, you have to go see Louise-Marie Longhairs at the Longhairs Non-Salon on Yonge St Toronto.
I've been using "natural" products for years now and nothing compares to her products that are all organic too. Check out her web site for the huge NO list of what's not in her products.
I went in a couple weeks ago with thick coarse hair that was rough to the touch and hard to manage. It would take me over an hr of blow drying and straightening to get my hair to look good. Not to mention the colour was looking nasty and I had not dyed my hair in a while because I haven't been able to find a natural dye that I liked.
Louise-Marie got me started on her hair treatment to repair my hair for a week and a half before dying it. My hair went from being unmanageable to falling nicely without it being styled and going from thick and coarse to thick and silky.
Louise-Marie then made me an organic hair colour and a personalized hair treatment to put in before dying my hair. My hair actually feels even better after dying it.
Cannot wait for my length to come back, now that I found awesome organic products that will help keep my hair looking good while it grows out.
Check out the shine.
— feeling fantastic.
The nutrients in the Mystic Tea gave my body everything it needed. "Louise Marie Longhairs® Mystic Nutrient Tea. Every time I drank it I felt a surge of energy."Over the Christmas holidays, I fell ill with a really nasty flu. I had a very high fever, the chills and a debilitating headache, a stuffy nose and congestion in the chest. It lasted a week, but the aftermath was just as challenging. My appetite didn't return for at least a week after the flu had gone and I was also left with an incessant cough. The only thing that prevented me from getting worse was Louise Marie Longhairs® Mystic Nutrient Tea. Every time I drank it I felt a surge of energy.
The nutrients in the Mystic Tea gave my body everything it needed- all the nutrients that I couldn't get from food.
L. C. N Y.
The longer I use your products, the easier my hair is getting …
Dear Louise Marie Longhairs
I wanted to drop you a line with some preliminary findings on some of your products. I love your protein shampoo #1. It is great. I also have found #6 is wonderful on my daughters naturally blonde hair. Your #9 trees rinses are very good.
My hair has some damage from color, and I find it takes a little longer to comb out, but the results are well worth it! I like the #11 detangling spray very much, it really works. The two oils in my Magicpack and #19 HoneyBee treatment are wonderful, and the "#13 Bliss Tips" really works. I am very pleased.
I used to have crunchy end on my hair where it was damaged. With your products, my hair feels smooth and shiny all the way to the tips. I now lose very few hairs in the brush or comb, and my hair looks great.
I will keep trying each shampoo, and send you my lists for replenishing my supply. I have noticed the longer I use your products, the easier my hair is getting to comb out. The Magicpack's great!!!!! I have been very happy with my Starters Magic pack and would just say how much I love your products and how much better off I feel my hair is now. In closing, today's combo was #4 and #9 Trees Conditioner and my hair is as smooth and soft as ever. I am thinking, maybe I'll get some pictures taken.
(H from USA)
Awesome and so convenient
I just love my "Blood Nutrients Longhairs® Non-Salts CERAMIC GRINDERS"... and here's why:Awesome and so convenient. Easily grinds the Longhairs Non-Salts.
Comes with a little cap so you can see how much you're grinding.
Adjustable coarseness, in case you like tasting your (nutrient salts)granules.
Everyone thinks I’m only 30 or something.
I just love my "Smoothing Face Cream LMLonghairs® Herbal & Homeopathic"... and here's why:
I have used this wonderful cream on my face for six years and my face LOVES it. Smooth, soft, moistened, absolutely wonderful. I'm 40 and everyone thinks I'm only 30 or something.And I KNOW my sensitive skin will NEVER react to it. How do I know?? The other day I accidentally got it right in my eyeball. Not just in my eye, but right across the pupil. I was looking through a goopy haze -- hee-hee!! But guess what -- unlike ANYTHING ELSE I have ever gotten in my eye, this did NOT sting -- not even one teeny bit. No irritation. If it hadn't been goopy and blurry, I wouldn't have known it was there!!Wonderful stuff. I will use it forever!!
Julie B from Alberta
Very beautiful horn combs and we are enjoying them! I received my order Monday afternoon. Very beautiful horn combs and we are enjoying them! Thank you for the Scritcher and treats, that was a nice and thoughtful surprise. A thousand thank you! Have a great day!
Staff, I hope you keep her web site the way it is….
Dear Longhairs Hairgasm office,
I'm glad that I finally have the opportunity to write to you. Things have been very hectic for me, but I wanted to share a few things with you about Louise Marie and her web site.
Louise has been my hair stylist for years now and I can honestly say that I have never been happier with my hair and scalp. Without her help, my only solution would have been a dermatologist and lots of medication.
I am extremely grateful to Louise. Not only is she extremely talented, she is the only hairstylist that takes the time to CARE . And that is not all. Louise lets me be who I want to be. We are all surrounded with trend setters on television and on the web. I see this all over shows like City Line TV Show and on the web sites that advertise hair products and salons.. Women are constantly being categorized according to the standards set by these trend setters. I can still recall someone saying on television that "as long as you have long hair then you are still considered a little girl." This is a form of "group think". It renders women to compare themselves with other women and then cut their hair in ways they don't like or that simply do not suit them. I appreciate the sophistication with which Louise has conducted her business. While in her non-salon I am usually the only client there, at one time. This has always made me feel at ease and comfortable.The web site which you have created for her never has any pictures of other men’s or womens hair that create feelings of anxiety about whether my hair is the right length, colour or curl. I never feel as though I'm being pressured into looking a certain way according to somebody's trend.
I really hope that things will remain this way. I hope you keep her web site the way it is. It really is very refreshing to see such a sophisticated, informative and intelligent presentation. Keep it up!
(a C c)
your products have continued to save me through even the worst hair trials.Anyone reading this if you have a problem and are willing to really work with someone and have patience - this is your place.
Louise-Marie has become my trusted hair guru ! My hair is longer and healthier than ever before. Thank you LM !!!
I have only positive experiences with Louise-Marie’s services and hair care products. So good, that I haven’t looked elsewhere in over a year and a half. I have thick, brown, wavy hair that has never grown past my shoulders and stayed healthy. With Louise Marie’s help, my hair has grown longer (mid back length), stronger, and healthier (silky, sits well, has movement) than ever before. She is the most knowledgeable hair care professional I have ever met.
I always wanted long hair, spending countless $$ and time to attain long, healthy locks. Products/Methods: you name it, I’ve tried it. Probably every product Sephora has to offer, before trying a whole slew of ‘all natural organic’ lines and methods. I did the ‘no-poo’ for three months, washed my hair with apple cider vinegar for two months, did coconut oil masks, avocado and mayonnaise, lemon, honey, eggs… yet my hair remained strained. After using longhairs products, I can never look back.
Let’s be frank: LM’s theories and hair-care practice is not conventional - it may seem daunting at first, but its totally worth it. I have not only achieved results, I have gained a new appreciation for my hair disclaimer: these products are not for you if you’re looking for overnight results with minimum dedication. However, if you are willing to put in the effort at first (over time, it really becomes habitual) you will reap the benefits 100% as early as the third day.
My hair has become healthier and so much easier to manage. I don’t shed everywhere. I don’t need hairspray. I don’t need a straightener or a curling iron (note: because lets be frank ladies, when a hairdresser straightens your hair at the end of a cut - you know they aren’t trustworthy…).
My hair looks great just as is. I love it!
Thank you Louise-Marie! Keep on rockin’ & making people happier all over world!!
Xx R
Products I use:
#2 Balancing Shampoo
#10B-ME2-C Extra Moisturizing Long Hair Conditioner
Flexi-pic - absolutely need this and the scratchers for oil.
#18**S.O.S Herb Medic Scalp Oil Two Stars
Sunfish Scritchers 3.5" Longhairs® Sheeps Horn Comb
#19 Honey-Bee organic deep conditioning treatment
(I love this stuff!! I live in the Caribbean 11/12 months of the year
and this is wonderful hair rescue for overexposure to sun/salt).
#9 Trees Stimulating Conditioner
Learn from MY mistakes…
..What I did Wrong: Recently I went to Louise Marie for hi-lites and colour and found out that the reason my hair was feeling a little "rubbery" was because I wasn't using her products properly.
They say it takes 15 repetitions for someone to really absorb some information. I must be getting up there -- maybe if you read this, you will save yourself some trouble by not second-guessing Louise Marie's instructions. I had a tendency to do it my own way….at my hair's expense. And my wallet -- here's why….
Mistake number one::
I was using way too much shampoo and too few latherings. (I see there's no such word) Ideally you should use tiny amounts of shampoo on each lathering, and lather up to 4 - 5 times. My using about a tablespoon of shampoo each time and only doing 2 - 3 latherings was actually using more shampoo and it was really not doing what it's supposed to the way it was made to do it. Instead of three tablespoons of shampoo, I really needed only about one and a half tablespoon or less, divided into 4-5 latherings.
Mistake number two:::
You're supposed to massage the conditioners in, all the way, right to the scalp. It helps get the shampoo out -- (so...Mistake number three was not getting the shampoo fully out ! ). I had supposed that the roots didn't really need conditioning so I was only conditioning the ends, not massaging down to the roots and scalp. The result….not so good -- this mistake really affects the texture and shine.
Mistake number four: Louise Marie calls it "squeegee-ing" -- I was squeezing the conditioner and water out, same effect as wringing it out, only maybe not quite so brutal. You're supposed to 'Flexicomb' until you run into resistance - ie tangles; By then if there's any soap left in your hair, you will see a little foam on your 'Flexicomb' -- rinse it(the foam on the Flexi or/and on that section of hair) off and keep going, rinsing the comb as needed -- this adds more water and kind of "plumps up" the conditioner(removes the spent stuff) -- your hair should feel great when you're done.
Mistake number five is something Louise Marie didn't mention to me, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't using hot enough water for rinsing either. She uses water as hot as you can stand it to melt oils into hair and scalp.(Especially with the conditioners)
My hair is gradually rebalancing and feeling better each day now that I'm doing it right. The shine is back.
Moral of the story -- all those elaborate instructions about how to use the shampoos and conditioners are there for a reason -- You want nice hair, follow them!
I still love all of your products and use nothing but your stuff…
Hi Louise Marie!
Thank you for the #9 Trees. It made my hair feel strong, shiny and a little bit thicker! I've been using the protein shampoo type once a week and i think that is helping to make my hair stronger. I still love all of your products and use nothing but your stuff. thanks! I put together a little basket samplers of your products as gifts for some of my friends who's hair needs your kind of help.
(From USA)
My hair is fabulous!
My hair is fabulous, thank you so much for your expert attention yesterday.
(Long thick naturally curly hair)
DB a traveler USA
and guess what? BEAUTIFUL CURLS!!
Finally something that works!
I was feeling like I had tried every product out there.
I was beginning to lose hope and was getting to the point that I thought I was going to give up and cut off my hair.
My natural curls needed curling. The ends kept breaking. My hair was dry. I bought every product my hairdresser recommended - nothing seemed to work.
I had ONE treatment at Longhairs- and guess what? BEAUTIFUL CURLS. I don't have to use the diffuser. I don't have to use the curling iron.
No more mousse. No more hair serum. No more junk!! What a difference! I can finally grow out my hair. I am so happy that I found out about Longhairs.
G from T.O.
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